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JRC Awarded Coach Training Program Contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Nikki Harshman

JRC was recently awarded a contract with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Leadership and Career Development (OLCD) to train internal coaches and prepare them for International Coach Federation (ICF) Certification.  JRC is partnering with Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum and the American School of Professional Coaching (ASPC) to provide 60 hours of  classroom training, developmental activities, and mentoring for a cohort of up to 30 participants.  This effort will culminate with each participant accomplishing the pre-requisites and applying to become an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC). The benefits of professional coach training include empowering employees, improving work performance, and demonstrating organizational commitment to human resource development.  We look forward to partnering with ICE on this exciting initiative!